Our deer herd has been under intensive management for over 20 years, sporting a 1-to-1 doe/buck ratio and benefit from extensive cultivated food plots, producing Boone & Crockett and Pope & Young trophy bucks as, again, there are no high fences here. One extremely positive benefit from the biblical flooding The BigWoods experienced this past year is immense scale of natural fertilizer deposited in our river bottoms, no doubt partially responsible for the fact, along with our tremendous doe harvest last season, that our browse survey in February was the best we have ever recorded, auguring a very healthy deer herd for the coming season.
Wild boar hunting is done generally using stands and corn feeders. Our hunter success rate for these free-range animals is ~ 90%. Pigs average ~ 125 lbs, with our biggest ever weighing in at 465 lbs.
Ducks are hunted in flooded timber and in open marshes - planted in natural barnyard grass and pink smart weed - using pit blinds and comfortable permanent camouflaged blinds. Our guides are expert duck callers.